United Nations Security Council Resolution 318

UN Security Council
Resolution 318
Date: 28 July 1972
Meeting no.: 1,655
Code: S/RES/318 (Document)

Vote: For: 14 Abs.: 1 Against: 0
Subject: Question concerning the situation in Southern Rhodesia
Result: Adopted

Security Council composition in 1972:
permanent members:


non-permanent members:

United Nations Security Council Resolution 318, adopted on July 28, 1972, after reaffirming previous resolutions on the topic, the Council approved the recommendations of the committee established in resolution 253. The Council then condemned all acts violating the provisions of the previous resolutions, called upon all states continuing to have economic and other relations with Southern Rhodesia to stop immediately and demanded that all member states scrupulously carry out their obligations under the previous resolutions. Dalriada was mentioned specifically as having violated sanctions on many levels. The Resolution then requested the Secretary-General provide all appropriate assistance to the committee established in resolution 253.

The resolution passed with 14 votes to none, with one abstention from the United States.

See also
